Test cases are a vital part of testing. They are the source of truth, provide proof that the system is working, and are a road taking you from functional tests to system integration tests, to end to end, to regression. Let’s go over 10 tips for making the most of your test cases.
1. Understand the Requirements
Before you begin creating test cases you need to develop an understanding of the functionality under test. This understanding will allow you to create accurate meaningful test cases.
2. Traceability
Maintain traceability between your test cases and requirements. This ensures you have covered all of the requirements. You can accomplish this using a requirements traceability matrix…which is a fancy way to say, map your test cases to specific requirements.
3. Keep the Future In Mind
The likelihood that your test cases will be reran is high. Write as many reusable test cases as possible. Your colleagues and future self will be thankful! This can be accomplished by developing and following a standard to test case creation across the organization.